
Information From AACEI - February 2021




1.Welcome to the 2021-2022 Board of Directors' election site!



2.SOURCE Magazine 2021 February

 Source Magazine 2月号が発行されました。下記のリンクからご覧ください。






Annual Election Now Open!




















It’s time for the annual AACE election! Have a say in the future of YOUR association. Voting is open from February 1 through March 15 at 4 pm EST. A complete list of the candidates, their bios, and goals are published on the AACE website. You will also be asked to approve a proposed amendment to the Constitution & Bylaws. Learn more about the changes here, and watch a recently recorded Town Hall presentation.




Source Launches


Description of News Story Image



We’re also excited to announce the launch of a new format for Source magazine at source.aacei.org! This new, online publication will enable readers to better engage with contributing authors and allow for a more timely delivery of relevant content. Read more here, as well as the just published President’s Message about the election.











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