
(ADDITIONAL INFO.) The Future of AI & More: February 2023 eNews

DATE: 2023. February

* General Information


AACE International の 2月のニュースレターへようこそ。





Welcome to AACE International's newsletter, providing additional information for February 2023 eNews.

We welcome your thoughts and feedback!    







The Rising Professionals Committee has worked with the American Bar Association to sponsor an upcoming webinar: In the Trenches with Your Experts on Construction Disputes: Inception to Deposition [CC].


This webinar is FREE FOR AACE MEMBERS, but $130 for non-members of AACE or non-members of the ABA.








Upcoming Virtual Section Events!


February 21 | 6:00 - 7:00 PM (ET)

Proactive Cost Engineering Techniques to Avoid Common Project Failures

Presenter: Chris Carson


February 28 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM (ET)

ACE Mentor Program of Atlanta

Presenter: Michael Hasamoh


March 8 | 3:30 - 4:30 PM (ET)

Scheduling Ethics: Recognizing Gaming, Data Manipulation and Abuse

Presenter: Walter Majerowicz








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